Healing Labs
Why a Hormone Test?
Hormone balance is the key to optimal health. Most hormones are produced by a group of glands known collectively as the endocrine system. Even though these glands are located in various parts of the body, they are considered one system because of their similar functions and relationship to each other.
Hormones are secreted into the bloodstream by these glands. From there, they travel to all parts of the body playing the role of chemical messengers turning specific target tissues on or off. Because they can’t be stored in the cells, hormones do their work as they pass through and then they’re gone. As a result, hormones must be made and released at the precise time they’re needed. To keep things functioning at their best, the body must constantly fine-tune hormone release to keep levels within proper limits.
Because of the complexity of these interactions, a hormonal imbalance rarely stems from only one type of hormone. More often, the problem involves a series of hormones that are out of balance. In addition, a disruption in the balance of hormones produced by one gland or set of glands can cause other glands or systems to dysfunctional. Before you know it, you’re feeling miserable on multiple fronts.
Laboratory tests of these hormones can help determine a diagnosis, plan treatment, check to see if treatment is working, or monitor an imbalance over time. At Jamdung Wellness we offer supplemental take-home tests-see details below
Whom do we TEST?
Hormone Testing for Men and women struggling with:
Hot flashes Increased body/facial hair Chronic stress and/or fatigue
Night sweats Heavy or irregular menses Foggy thinking PMS/PMDD
Decreased sex drive Fibrocystic breasts Heart palpitations
Vaginal dryness Breast cancer Dry skin/brittle nails
Acne Infertility or PCOS Cold hands and feet Weight gain especially around the waist
Neurotransmitter testing for adults struggling with:
Anxiety Chronic fatigue Insomnia Depression Impulsivity
Heavy metals and essential elements testing for adults who:
Have exposure to well water or aging pipes Have mercury dental work Smoke cigarettes
Live in an older home or industrial area
Consume foods like vegetables, rice, and seafood that may be tainted by heavy metals
When Should Patients Test?
For Hormones: Pre-menopausal women should collect saliva, blood, or urine on days 19-21 of their cycle. Women with irregular cycles should collect 5 days before they think their period will start. Post-menopausal and non-cycling women, and men, can collect any day of the month.
For Neurotransmitters: Cycling women can collect any day they aren’t bleeding. Non-cycling women, and men, can collect any day of the month.
For Heavy Metals and Essential Elements: Cycling women can collect urine any day they aren’t bleeding. Non-cycling women, and men, can collect urine or blood any day of the month.
What Take-Home Test Kits are Available?
Available at-home Test Kits are: Saliva, Dried Blood Spot, Saliva + Blood, Blood + Urine, Blood + Urine, Blood Draw, Neurotransmitters, Urine Metabolites, Sleep Balance, Adrenal Stress, Cortisol Awakening Response, Menstrual Cycle Mapping, Fertility, Heavy Metals & Essential Elements, Weight Management, Wellness Metrics, Fitness Metrics, Elite Athlete Metrics.