Chromosomal Healing
What are Telomeres?
Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA. DNA is the genetic material that makes up all cells. Telomeres are like the caps on the end of a shoelace and they protect the ends of chromosomes from becoming frayed or tangled. Each time a cell divides, the Telomeres become slightly shorter. Eventually, they become so short that the cell can no longer divide successfully, and the cell dies leading to disease.
Why do Telomeres matter?
Telomeres shorten naturally as we age; but stress, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, and poor diet also contribute to their decreased length. Short Telomeres are associated with cellular aging and dysfunction.
How do we reverse the shortening of Telomeres?
Two herbs that fight aging and reverse shortening of Telomeres are Astralagus and Epithalon. Please make an appointment to discuss combatting the shortening of your Telomeres.