Healing Menopause
Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her menstrual period has stopped. Menopause is caused by a decrease in the ovaries’ production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which eventually results in the ovaries’ ceasing to produce eggs, and the end of menstruation.
When hormone levels drop in menopause, a deficiency of one hormone can appear as an excess of another hormone resulting in an imbalance.
Menopause in Men (Andropause)
Middle-aged men like their female counterparts, begin to experience a drop in hormone production. The first thing a man notices is a downward shift in strength and energy as hormone levels taper off. The result is a loss in enthusiasm for work, competition, and sexual activity.
- Insomnia
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Fatigue
- Discomfort during intercourse
- Vaginal dryness or itchiness
- Urinary tract infection
- Bladder control issues
- Weight gain
- Thinning hair
- Dry skin
Menopause can also have mental and emotional effects, causing mood swings, depression, and irritability.
Symptoms of Andropause
- Fatigue
- Hot flashes
- Sleep disturbances
- Night sweats
- Headaches
- Mood swings
- Depression/apathy
- Weight gain
- Anxiety/stress
- Decreased strength
- Decreased libido
- Less stamina
- Concentration issues
- Bone loss
- Elevated
- triglycerides
- Muscle loss
- Erectile dysfunction
- Prostate problems
- Decreased urine flow
- Urinary urge
- Memory lapses
- Insulin resistance
- Thinning/sagging skin
- Thinning hair/beard
- Breast enlargement
Hormone testing can identify menopause, hidden imbalances, and related deficiencies. At Jamdung Wellness we offer the take-home Comprehensive Female Hormone Profiles which test the following:
- Testosterone or DHEA
Low levels lead to decreases in bone or muscle mass, metabolism, energy, strength, stamina, exercise tolerance & libido
2. Cortisol
High levels result in insomnia, anxiety, sugar cravings, feeling tired but wired & increased belly fat. Low levels cause chronic fatigue, low energy, food and sugar cravings, poor exercise tolerance or recovery & low immune reserves
3. Neurotransmitter Imbalance
Changes in estrogen and progesterone levels can impact neurotransmitter levels. For instance, a drop in estrogen can result in a drop in serotonin.
4. Thyroid Imbalance
Changes in estrogen levels can lead to thyroid symptoms like slowed metabolism and always feeling cold. Many women experiencing menopause will be diagnosed with hypothyroidism.
5. Vitamin D-Estrogen-Testosterone
Sufficient levels of Vitamin D, estrogen, and testosterone are important for maintaining bone health in the menopause years.
Hormone testing can identify andropause, hidden imbalances, and related deficiencies. At Jamdung Wellness we offer the take-home Comprehensive Male Hormone Profiles which test the following:
1. Testosterone- the primary indicator of andropause or deficiencies.
2. Estorgen-an excess that inhibits the action of testosterone.
3. SHBH proteins- an excess make testosterone unavailable
4. DHEA- is fundamental to hormone production.
5. Cortisol- indicates adrenal imbalance and exposure to stress that can lower hormone levels.
6. Thyroid profile- assess thyroid dysfunction that impacts the imbalance of other hormone levels.
Biest Cream: A topical cream that contains bio-identical estriol and estradiol derived from wild yam and formulated in an 80:20 ratio. Applied to the skin, the cream helps balance hormones and provides relief from menopausal symptoms.
Progesterone: Combined with estrogen, the two hormones reduce signs and symptoms of menopause. Progesterone also thins the uterine lining to prevent endometrial cancer.
Testosterone: To diminish fat accumulated around hips and thighs, increase sex drive, increase energy levels, and improve endurance during exercise due to reduced effects of menopause.comastia
Testosterone: Replacement therapy with testosterone injections. However, side effects include gynecomastia (man boobs), and testicular atrophy especially if testosterone replacement comes from the use of anabolic steroids. Dr. Bregman has a unique way of preventing these side effects with testosterone replacement therapy while under his care. He also treats “man boobs” and restores shrunken testicles.